Monday, February 28, 2011

Thing #45 - Account Settings

I usually don't even think of the account settings after the initial set up so it was a good idea to go back and take a look at the different options that are out there.

I looked at my blogger settings and my gmail settings.  The blogger settings are something I had looked at pretty recently but it's always good to go back and check to see if there's anything new.

When I first set up my Blogger settings I was excited to have all of the different options and how easy it was to pick what you want.  The best options are probably the formatting ones and having comments sent to your inbox.  It's also great to know what the privacy settings are set to.

Looking at the gmail settings is an interesting experience because there are a lot of choices there on some stuff that I didn't think about/didn't know you could change.  The option I was happiest to find her was that I could turn off the option called web clips so know there are no advertisements above my gmail.

I think it was worth the time to go back and check the settings because you never know whether a new option has been added.  It's also important to teach others about these settings especially privacy settings if you don't want the whole world to know what you're up to.

1 comment:

  1. On a related noted, did you hear the story about Google accidentally deleting the e-mail of 150,00o users? Have you backed up your Gmail account lately?
