It was very interesting to think about marketing the library because from what I see being in an academic library, it's not exactly easy to get students or teachers to come to the library. Web 2.0 differs greatly from traditional marketing tools because it can change much more swiftly then previous tools could and it can be more interactive like if a library uses social media.
If I would have to pick one particular service to implement right away for the library it would have to be Twitter. From what I see every day there is not as much communication going on between students/teachers/the library as there could be. People are in the library on the computers all the time and doing this would allow the library to update people more frequently then the newsletter that we currently use. I believe that just doing more online would lead to better communication and being able to disperse new information much faster than we do now.
Twitter and screen casting would be a good combination of services to market this library. Doing this you could make announcements of when new screen casts of things like tutorials are up or just saying what things are already out there.
Overall using Web 2.0 services would be ideal for this library in its continuing endeavors to reach students and teachers to let them know that the library is not just there but there to help them.